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Lady Bird Johnson Grove

This walk among ancient redwoods and Douglas-
fir gives you an intimate look at a magnificent
ridge-top redwood forest, with its complement
of understory plants. These high, wind-whipped
slopes and ridges offer redwoods a less favorable
habitat than can be found in protected valleys.
Here you will see them sharing space with many
species of trees and shrubs.

Trail Highlights
The dedication of Redwood National Park in Lady Bird Johnson Grove.
Rhododendrons blossom from May to mid June
Redwood sorrel and its clover-like leaves
A great variety of ferns grow in shady, moist places on the forest floor

Trail Facts
Length: 1 mile (1.4 km) loop.
Difficulty: East to moderate
Time: About 1 hour to complete loop.
Connections: Does not connect with any other trail.
Drinking water: None available on the trail.

These parks are natural environments;
the wild animals, plants, streams, and
other natural features, as well as certain
weather conditions that occur here, can
be hazardous.

Don't miss the rest of our virtual tour of Redwoods National Park in 1780 images.