
See the context of this sign.

Whale Watching

Your chances of spotting whales are good
from November to April.

Scan the ocean surface carefully from the surf
to a half-mile out -- binoculars will help. Watch
for small vapor puffs, big splashes, tail flukes,
and dark whale heads above the water. Although
whale watching takes a bit of patience, the thrill
of spotting them is worth it.

Gray whales make an 11,000-mile round trip
each year -- from arctic waters to the warm
lagoons of Baja California, where they breed
and bear calves.

Following the coast, they travel about
3-miles-per-hour, giving us an opportunity
to observe them from these high overlooks.

Fall Migration south -
November and December

Spring Migration north -
January through April

Spouting - Swimming whales will
make several short dives followed by
a longer one lasting a few minutes.
When they resurface, their hot breath
meets the cool air and forms spouts
of vapor 10-15 feet high that look
like white smoke.

Whale Behavior

Spyhopping - Sometimes whales
thrust their heads vertically above
the water; maybe for a good look
around, maybe to swallow food.

Breaching - Occasionally whales
loop partially or completely above
the water and fall back with a
mighty splash.

Whale tails - Whales may show their
tail flukes as they dive.
Individual whales can be identified
by their unique fluke markings.

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